We understand that colour is important to branding and will do our best to match the colour(s) you have chosen.
Achieve the closest match possible between your vision and our product. If your brand relies on a particular colour, or you just want to make sure your trade show display stands out among the crowd, give our Custom Colour Matching Service a try today.
Because our printers print using CMYK (Cyan, Magenta, Yellow & Black combinations), your specific PMS (Pantone Matching System) brand colour may not be matched automatically or perfectly.
Adding 1 of this item to your cart will have us match ONE PMS colour. Additional colours will require additional Colour Matching Services be purchased. Textures or gradients cannot be matched.
Once your order with a Colour Matching Service (and your artwork file) is received, one of our graphic designers will match the colour in the file provided to the closest possible PMS colour. To acheive the best results quickly, please:
- Supply a LAYERED.TIFF, .EPS, Adobe Illustrator or Adobe Photoshop file. All fonts should be rasterized or outlined, all effects should be rasterized. Layers are only to assist in extracting and editing colour information
- Supply the proper Pantone code found in the Pantone Color Bridge Coated color book. Look for “CP”, meaning Process Coated. (e.g. 192CP).
We can then adjust as needed until we have a match or as close as possible. We will then alter the colour in your file to be the values of the matched sample. Please note that as we only have CMYK inks, we cannot match metallic or neon colours, and some other particularly bright colours are also out of gamut. We will let you know if we are unable to match your colour.